Hi friends! Here’s another set of cute cherry blossoms printables. Download our free printable cherry blossoms planner and stickers now! These are cute planner templates with sakura flowers. I added some lovely printable planner stickers that you may use on any planner you might have. Also check out more freebies with cherry blossoms design.

I used the same lovely clipart for my cherry blossoms 2020-2021 calendar that you may also use for FREE! Put these printables together to create your DIY planner.
Our free printables are for your personal use only and not for distributing on other websites. If you share about our printables, you must link back to our posts so they may download from our website and give us proper credit. You’re not to remove any watermark or edit our work.
Cherry blossoms planner pages
Here are some of the lovely planner pages with sakura flowers. You may download the PDF file and print on A4 size paper.
You may also create A5 size pages by printing this planner as a booklet, or printing 2 pages on an A4 size paper, or by printing on A5 size paper.
Download all 5 planner pages using the PDF link below.

Cherry blossoms printable planner stickers
I made some cute stickers that you may use on any planner, including the classic Happy Planner and Erin Condren Planner! Each sticker is 1.5 inches wide.
Print the page on A4 size paper. Choose Size > Actual Size when you print.

More Happy Planner / Erin Condren stickers
Here’s a list of all my planner stickers that you may use with your favorite planners.
School / Work planner stickers
Download your free printable planner and stickers
And remember to share this post on Pinterest! Help us grow our website by letting your friends know where to find cute printables!
Thanks for sharing! Here are the download links for you:
Cherry blossoms planner pages | Sakura printable stickers
Enjoy your new planner and have a lovely day!
Is it possible to love too many of your posts? These delicate cherry blossoms have so many possibilities. They are not just for planners, but project binders, labeling, stationary…my mind is abuzz. Thank you so much for sharing your talents without charging a fee. There are many of us who love pretty things but do not have the pocket change to purchase them. Have a Blessed Day, from Port Huron, Michigan, USA.
Hi Susie, I’m happy you love our planner pages! Happier to share them with you. 💕
Enjoy and happy planning!