Hello everyone! Here’s our very first daily prayer journal page for you! Get this free printable prayer journal to help motivate your daily prayer life. It has spaces for reflection, thanksgiving, and your favorite Bible verse of the day. I added a beautiful floral design for more inspiration! Read more and download this prayer journal for free!

By the way, I used some boho floral bouquets by Peace_Shop and you can buy the watercolor clipart HERE. (Affiliate links here.) I also used these flowers for my gratitude journal HERE.
You can get both gratitude journal and prayer journal printables for free and use them to create a unique planner set for your personal use!
How to use your daily prayer journal
These pretty journal pages were made to guide your quiet time with God. It’s up to you if you want to use it every day, but you can also decide to use them only on particular days. The top of the page has a space for the page number to help organize your prayer journal.
1. Write down your favorite Bible verse for the day. You may visit any of our BIBLE VERSES HERE or print some memory verse cards for a set of scriptures on a given topic.
2. Write a short reflection or thought about your chosen Bible verse.
3. List down things that you are thankful for in the past few days.
4. Lastly, write down your prayer for the day. I like doing a wish list so I can easily read what I prayed about. That way, I can keep track of which requests have been answered.
Need more prayer inspiration? Visit My Sun & Shade’s Prayer Journal !

Keeping a journal is really fun and beneficial. Personally, it helps me organize my thoughts and think more clearly. It’s also easier to go back and review my prayers, requests, struggles and fond memories.
Ready to print? Download your prayer journal page HERE.
How to print your prayer journal pages
PRINT ON A4 OR A5 SIZE PAPER. You may also print on US Letter or half size, and there will be more white spaces on the edges. Be sure to choose FIT TO PAGE in your printer settings.
For instructions how to print smaller multiple pages, or how to print into a booklet, CLICK THIS LINK.
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May God grant your prayers sooner than you expect. Have a beautiful and blessed day!